Version Help with Player

I have a station that’s currently using Version 8 of an App. I just published version 9. The station is set to “use latest published version”. But the station is still stuck with version 8. How can I force it to log out/update/reset/etc?

It sounds like someone may have been manually changing the app that is running at that station on the “Stations” page.

To ensure that the app will update to the latest version properly, use the “lock” symbol next to the app on the “Station Details” menu in the Stations tab. It should remain locked on the correct app. Example here:

What is group and stations? and how to use this. I am also facing same problem. My Player is not running latest published version. Do you have any video explaining this. Much appreciated. I am getting error like “The Interface is not allowed to run the app”

Hi @vineet143 -

John’s advice here may help you: Tulip player is not opening latest version of App - #8 by John

Also this thread has more details you may find helpful as well (Rui was having the same error): Run an app with the Tulip player from a web page, and how to deal with errors that occur?

Thanks a lot @Beth . This helps. :slight_smile:

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