Run an app with the Tulip player from a web page, and how to deal with errors that occur?


I can’t understand why this error occurs ? thanks


Hi @rui -

Likely the app (and/or version) that you are trying to run is not assigned to the station you are on. If you assign the app to the station running the web Tulip player, does that resolve the error for you?

You can check out this post for more information as well: Upcoming Changes to Unassigned Player Device Behavior

Hi Beth,

At the station, I assign the version is public. but when running an app on the webpage, it makes sense for it to be the development version. there shouldn’t be an error popup, right?


Hi Rui, what do you mean by “I assign the version is public”?

Even if the app is in development, it still needs to be assigned to the station!