Add ability to define custom placeholder values for table record field widgets

Please add the ability to define custom placeholder values for table record field widgets while working in the developer editor. This would greatly help to check the expected visual output at time of development when the expected form/length of the data is known in advance.

To add a little more context… the same applies to the variables widget…

What’s supposed to be displayed here? Hmmm… good question.


Hi @sebme - Not sure I am following here, can you explain a bit more?

At present, the editor will show the name of the variable/ record that is linked to the widget.

I have noticed that most of the time this information is useless because it is truncated because of text size, format, length…

This makes it difficult to „preview“ typical example data to see how the step will look lauter on when real data is being displayed.

In these cases, it would be great to be able to fill the widget inserted with mock data instead.

Does this explanation help make it more clear?

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Thanks for the additional information, this makes sense! Appreciate the feeedback as always and will see what we can do :slight_smile: