We create documentation on the fly and it would be very helpful if there was a way to open an app trigger for inspection via an URL.
Right now I can navigate to the respective step… but I cannot easily find a trigger on that step since opening that trigger is all hidden behind Javascript.
how would that be possible?
imagine what you would need to keep in mind:
User authorization
Variables need to be available, but may not have values
What station is running that trigger?
short: you are missing the whole environment.
You would need to make special triggers (functions) for those actions.
There will be an automation functionality in the future, where you could trigger some actions e.g. when a table record is changed… this would be triggerable by an api…
I don’t what to trigger anything. I just need an action to open a step via a url for inspection. This already assumes that I have a browser session open, authenticated, etc.
Consider it as a help for the developer to quickly find a specific trigger in the mass of triggers.
@sebme, this is a really interesting suggestion. One initiative we’re preparing for long term is building out better developer tools, and this seems to fall into that category—for simple app debugging, for documentation use-cases like yours, and for more advanced functionality. Keep the ideas flowing, these are super helpful to us!