Add source version history for apps


When we deploy an app to a production instance, tracking the source version (from DEV) in production is not straightforward and requires a complex process to identify which version of DEV was imported and published in the PROD instance.

A potential improvement could be to include a tracker in the ZIP file, containing the source instance, app name, and app version. This information would be saved in the destination instance/workspace and automatically recorded in the version history table.


@thomas.riehl thanks for sharing your improvement idea for app deployment. We are currently looking at both short-term and long-term improvements for this.

Would you be able to share more about your Tulip app development lifecycle?


Our process on developpement / deployment to prod is pretty standard like:

  1. develop App, bug fix and enhancement development in our dev instance
  2. Unit test and publish once dev and Unit tests are compliant with specification
  3. QUality test on published version in DEV instance by key users. I use comments to provide information about ticket and modification of App / automation / Connector…
  4. Once validated (tracked in an external ticketing system)
  5. I export the version approved by the key user (no approval process defined yet in Tulip).
  6. In our Prod instance, I import the app, reconnect the dots (inter apps links, machine attribute called, …) and publish app
    My request will be necessary to track what has been tested and what can be reported in prod by end users. It will be also useful to ensure synchronization of deployment in prod when more than 1 ticket updates the same App.


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