I have a step that include only one text field and some labels and pictures, on run mode, the user have to click with the mouse on this field and only than he can put his data in.
What I’m suggesting here, to save the user time, on the step enter, execute a command that will put the cursor in this text field so the user will just enter his value there.
It sound like not so big issue to office user but if you are working on the production floor, for very simple users to move the mouse to this field and then entering the data, if you collect those seconds during they working day, you will see how much precious time you can save here.
Hi Zixuan,
As I opened another topic, a keyboard support can include this autofocus issue and raise the enter event on input objects such as text box or dropdown object, but as I said there is another topic on this exact suggestion
+1 on this. I am surprised this is not in the product already. Just started using tulip and was already frustrated within my first 5min of developing test apps that a user has to select a text input before they can enter data. it would also be nice to have a trigger to automatically select the next input box on configurable carriage return, tab etc. This would be a huge usability enhancement.
In the past couple releases we released the ability to add labels to inputs to help enable this workflow. In the past the label and fields need to be separate widgets, causing enter/tab behavior to be inconsistent
Now users can tab their way through each input without selecting non-inputs along the way.
In r235 (releasing in 2 weeks) triggers will be available for inputs when a user clicks enter, so for a data collection usecase you could automatically advance to the next step. Additionally, there is work outstanding to allow users to do lots with widgets through trigger actions, including focusing on an input, hiding an input, disabling an input field, and more. This work probably wont be addressed until early next year, but it is on our radar.
Hi @Pete_Hartnett , is there anything new on this topic ?
Will I be able to set focus on anyone of current widgets on screen when user enter this step ?
If, for example, you have 4 input texts on screen and some other widgets like embed table or buttons or labels … and I want that input text #1 will have already the user cursor in it without demanding him to click on it (with mouse or finger), when will such scenario exists ?
Hi Jake,
Think about such scenario where you have a simple app the checks temprature of a cooler, the user first choose order number in first step, in the next one he have some details on screen (labels) and only one numeric text box (type decimal), into it he have to write down the temprature he measured, why should he press with his finger on the text box and than write the number, why can’ t he get the keypad of numbers automatically when enter this step, writing the number, press enter and move on next steps ?
You want another scenario ? you have a step where the user demand to scan a barcode of a cart, you can’t use the barcode device because it’s not suite to Tulip (we have such), so he have to press in this text box with his finger and than scan the barcode (the scanner gives barcode value + enter key), why can’t he scan without have to choose the text box ?
I can give some more examples but I think that is enough.
Hi Jake, when go to a new step , user can directly enter the word in text field. but needn’t to click in the field befor enter. Increase user satisfaction.
Another situation is that after the search is completed, the new search should cause the cursor to automatically jump into the text field.
I have a similar issue concerning focusing on a specific field after a trigger.
An operator is taking measurement with a hand-held tool and is pressing a physical button on the tool to send the data inside an input field in Tulip and fire a trigger. This works great, however, the goal is to stay inside this field since the operator must input a lot of data.
The issue is that the operator must interact with Tulip (click inside the field) in order to continue with his next measurements. This is completely destroying the flow of the operation and will become frustrating for the operator.
I hope this will be addressed as soon as possible, thanks!
Hi @JulienB thank you for submitting this request, and welcome to the community! I’ve noted your request in addition to the similar, but slightly different issue of “default focus” after entering a step.
Thanks again for posting and will keep you posted on this!
While a default autofocus behavior could be interesting, I think it is even more flexible to have a Focus on trigger action allowing to select which widget to focus on.
Scenarios were already detailed above. In terms of advantages, this would improve user experience and also make the app faster to use.