Base Layout On-Step Triggers


Is there a way to have on-step enter and on-step exit triggers on the Base Layout to carry over to all steps?

Thank you,


Hi @Levi ,

yes that is possible. Just du it as you would add a trigger to any other step.

Why don’t you just try it? Add a “show message” like “Hello Levi” to the “on step enter” in the Base Layout and go through the steps … then enjoy the greetings on all the steps :smiley:


Thanks for the reply. I just tried that: added a trigger to “on step enter” in Base Layout to show a message. But the trigger doesn’t go off when running the steps in Test mode, nor does the trigger show on the actual steps themselves. Any suggestions?

Thank you,


Hey @Levi -

Odd that you aren’t seeing these triggers firing in dev mode, I just tested and it was working as expected. Can you throw a screenshot of the trigger here?

re: displaying these triggers on each step-
I just made a feature request for this, would be a nice usability change, but not something we currently do.



Very odd, it works in Developer mode for a dummy app I made, but still doesn’t work in the app I initially tested it on. Even weirder is that it does work if I run it on the Tulip app, but still not in developer mode.

One big question I have: is there a way to have the “on step enter” trigger from the base layout editable on every step? There are some steps where I’d like to modify the trigger, but it doesn’t show up on the individual steps.

Happy holidays,


Hey @Levi

Can you shoot me a Direct Message with the URL to your app? I can look into it! My suspicion is that one trigger within the triggers has a transition is causing another to not execute. This is a super common point of confusion when triggers are failing to execute.

I created a feature request to expose these triggers on each step. I totally agree this is an opportunity to improve the UI.



I apologize for the late reply. It seems to have been a temporary bug, unsure if intermittent, but it’s gone away and hasn’t come back since. I will let you know if I can recreate it.

As for exposing the triggers on each step, that would be greatly appreciated, thank you.
