Can we fetch azure blob storage images with Tulip

Hello all,

We’re trying to configure azure blob storage images with Tulip and we couldn’t find any specific way to achieve it as of now. Just wanted to know if it’s possible to pull azure blob storage images in Tulip Ex. Fetching last 5 images of azure blob storage. Not sure if this can be achieved using custom widget or connectors? Let me know your thoughts on this.

Hey -

Not a ton of specific knowledge here on the azure side, but this should be doable through connectors. Tulip can render signed URLs, which is what you should be looking to get for your blob.

On the connector side, the configuration should be fairly straightforward. You will need a SAS token to access the blob, which can be aquired from the Azure CLI with the following command:

az storage blob generate-sas \
  --account-name <storage-account-name> \
  --container-name <container-name> \
  --name <blob-name> \
  --permissions r \
  --expiry <expiry-date-time> \
  --output tsv

Once you have a SAS token, a request can be made to the Azure to get a signed url with a connector call like this:
curl -X GET \ "https://<storage-account-name><container-name>/<blob-name>?<sas-token>"
In practice, this will look something like this:
curl -X GET \ ""

With this signed url, you can use this URL interchangably with any of the areas in Tulip where you currently use images, but be warned that this signed url will expire after some duration (usually somewhere between an hour and a week, depending on Azure configuration).

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