Hey Aaron, thanks for the details! So when you say “last access date to the app”, what are the possible scenarios you are thinking of? If they have not seen multiple versions of the app, would you want to roll up all user release notes into one long list?
Or would they just see the release notes from the latest published version?
What we want to be able to do is compare the last time they accessed the app, to the current time and alert them to any and all versions changes that might have occurred between.
So by way of an example: the user was in a week ago and just returned from their vacation. Upon arrival they’d be notified that there were two changes made in that period and shown the dates of the change and the associated change notes that were entered by the change agent.
Yeah, I think text is fine. That’s what we’re planning. I suppose if there was a “gold” level for this, the whole picture/multimedia thing could be an option. I think communicating the change notes are really the critical part though.
Okay, makes sense. We do not have this on the near-term roadmap, but I will certainly update this thread when we start work.
In the meantime, have you considered using a Table for this functionality? You could create a new table record for every new version of an app. And then, you could add the version publish date to the table.
Then, you could embed that info on the first step of the app. And when an operator logs in, it could check the last time they logged into the app and then only show the table records that have been created since that date.