It is not anymore possible to choose a color
UPDATE: This bug should be resolved in the update going out on 12/27
Hey Henk,
Welcome to Community! This is exactly the right place to get bugs documented and fixed.
Thank you for letting us know about this behavior. We caught a related issue on Tuesday, but I just did further investigation and it looks to be an issue throughout the trigger builder when defining a static color.
Because of the severity of this bug, we are prioritizing getting this fixed ASAP. But until that happens there is a workaround:
- Create a color variable. Click App
- Click the X next to variables
- Add a variable name, type color, click add
- Find your color, click on defauly value to adjust its value
Now in our app, we need to use this variable, as opposed to a static value-
- Open our trigger where we want to define the color
- Change Static Value to Variable. Select your variable
I hope this can bridge the gap while we fix this bug -
Happy holidays,
Hi, I got this bug too and report as major in support request, didn’t get any response from you, anyway, this workaround is good if your logic is very small, I have a very complicated logic involving colors, so I hope it will be fixed soon.
Hi @Amit ,
A fix for this bug is scheduled to go out tonight (12/27 EST). This should fix the behavior that you are currently seeing!