Colors not working anymore

It is not anymore possible to choose a color

UPDATE: This bug should be resolved in the update going out on 12/27

Hey Henk,

Welcome to Community! This is exactly the right place to get bugs documented and fixed.

Thank you for letting us know about this behavior. We caught a related issue on Tuesday, but I just did further investigation and it looks to be an issue throughout the trigger builder when defining a static color.

Because of the severity of this bug, we are prioritizing getting this fixed ASAP. But until that happens there is a workaround:

  1. Create a color variable. Click App
  2. Click the X next to variables
  3. Add a variable name, type color, click add
  4. Find your color, click on defauly value to adjust its value

Now in our app, we need to use this variable, as opposed to a static value-

  1. Open our trigger where we want to define the color
  2. Change Static Value to Variable. Select your variable

I hope this can bridge the gap while we fix this bug -

Happy holidays,

Hi, I got this bug too and report as major in support request, didn’t get any response from you, anyway, this workaround is good if your logic is very small, I have a very complicated logic involving colors, so I hope it will be fixed soon.


Hi @Amit ,
A fix for this bug is scheduled to go out tonight (12/27 EST). This should fix the behavior that you are currently seeing!
