Connect Mettler IND226 to Tulip

Hello Experts,
I am looking for how I can connect Mettler IND226 weighing scale to Tulip Directly.
Mettler Weighing scale having RS232 Serial communication Protocol
I have two Numbers of Weighing Scale.

Hi Kiran!

We are actually working on updating some of our documentation to make it easier to understand where to start when connecting new devices to Tulip, so this is a timely question :slight_smile:

You may find this process flow helpful

Since the Mettler IND226 scale uses rs232 serial communication, you have two options:

  1. Use a rs232–>usb adapter cable to connect to your interface (unless it has a native rs232 port) and then use the Serial (Player only) driver
  2. Connect your scale to an edge device as the middle man and use the Edge serial driver

You may find these articles helpful too :slight_smile:

Does this help you get going?

Hi Beth,
Thanks for the information and support.
there is question?
can we connect couple of weighing scale on same edge device?

Yes! You are only limited by the number and type of ports on the edge device, but you can use all of them if you’d like. So for example, looking at Technical Specifications for Edge IO -you could have up to 6 different devices hooked up via usb, a single rs232 device, etc on the same Edge IO.