For a function that passed to external system, I have to pass the current date by format of ddmmyyyy only without any other seperators, I tried to do
format_date_tz(@App Info.Current Date and Time , ‘ddmmyyyy’, ‘Asia/Jerusalem’)
but got the following text as the result : Su07yyyy
Can you write the exact phrase I have to put there ?
Thank you,
hello @Amit, thanks for posting!!
your formatting is correct, but just needs to be capitalized. if you enter: format_date_tz(@App Info.Current Date and Time , 'DDMMYYYY', 'EST')
, you will get the correct date if I’m understanding correctly. for reference, I use the following Moment guide: Moment.js cheatsheet.
could you confirm this is indeed the formatting you’re looking for??
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Thank you, now it is working great
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happy to hear @Amit.
it would be great if you could share the integration on Show and tell - Tulip Community once it’s complete!!