It will be very helpfull to be able to copy function from connector to connector.
Our use case: centraly we maintain template connector and template function (a kind of connector/function library) , that each entity/workspace could copy in there own workpace/connector.
2 main reason that each entity have his own connector:
- authentification : each workspace/entity need specific credential.
- Enhancement/Ownership: each entity could start with the copy and then enhance by themself the function used in their apps.
Hey @Nicolas -
Good idea. I am wondering if we extended the “Connectors across workspaces” feature to allow you to define workspace-scoped connector environments, if that would address this need.
This could allow you to share the same connector, but allow each site to setup their own authentication. would this address the same need?
Hi Pete
Good point, different authentification per workspace is one of the reason but not the only one.
Today, we push that each workspace have is own connector (even on central system and with the same function) for the following reason:
-1: Each workspace need is own authentification credential for backend system (feature that you propose)
-2: Be able to test apps in development version with key user in Tulip player and connect to preprod backend system. Now, it is only possible to change the URL in DEV in connector and each workspace have different need. => must be solved with the future feature of “special version” with the ability to choose target connector (plan in LTS13, I hope)
- 3:Secure connector/function change. Today global connector could be change by any apps builder of any workspace that have role of change connector/function. It is too risky for a mistake and also function could contain credential in clear (token, client secrete…). So moving to local workspace, only apps builder of the workscpace could manage function. I make a feature request, on custom role to able to distinguish access to local connector/global connector (to @kevin.kononenko).