Announcing: Workspaces in Tulip

Introducing Workspaces: a powerful new set of local and global controls to make it easier to scale with Tulip across multiple locations and teams.

A Workspace is a partition within a Tulip account with its own set of resources like apps and machines, that are independent of other workspaces within an account. Workspaces can be useful for separating different teams or facilities.

Now, Workspaces comes with global and local settings menus to enable you to centralize branding and user access. Resources like connectors can be standardized and deployed globally to different sites, while apps and data can be managed locally at each facility.

Users can be assigned to multiple workspaces, and their roles can be easily changed as needed by an administrator with the role of Account Owner or Workspace Owner.

In each Workspace, settings and resources can be configured and created to meet your facility’s needs. Some of the settings unique to Workspaces include:

  • Timezones
  • Schedules and Shifts
  • Device Uptime
  • Bots
  • Approval Types

Resources like apps, tables, analytics, camera configurations, and machines are all local to each Workspace, so your team can edit apps and configure resources to your operational needs.

Share across your organization

Account owners will have full access to local Workspace resources, and global resources across all Workspaces.

In addition, Account owners can adjust settings and resources for all of the Workspaces, to ensure branding and resources are centralized and standardized across your teams. Global settings that affect all Workspaces include:

  • Tulip Player
  • Date and Time Formatting
  • Color Palette
  • Developer Mode Toggle
  • Network Access

Resources and configurations that may be vital to every Workspace can be controlled at the account level, making it easy to configure and deploy across every site. These resources and configurations include:

  • Connectors
  • Connector Functions
  • Machine Types
  • Machine Data Sources
  • Edge Devices
  • IP Cameras
  • Camera Detectors
  • Connector Host

Workspaces are available to all enterprise customers. At this time, adding new workspaces will require support from Tulip. If you’re interested in getting started with this feature, please contact us.


Is there any way to make Connector not accessible to all workspace? When I hover over the little globe it says “Available in all workspaces.” If I make a training/sandbox workspace I don’t want all of the connectors to be accessible.

Hey @jjj -

Any new connectors created in any workspace will by default only be scoped to that workspace, and they can be promoted to be global if you desire it. Existing connectors were historically available in all workspaces (they weren’t workspace-scoped) so we retained this behavior for existing connectors.

We are scoping some work to give a whole lot more control for cross-workspace asset management that will include quite a bit more flexibility for managing connectors, but that work is probably something we won’t pick up on the engineering side until late this year.


Thanks, we are very interesting for this features: having connector at workspace level and account level.
In which release is plan to create Connector at workspace level?
Today in v250.1, under a workspace, a new connector is still created and available for all workspace and not for a dedicated workspace.

Hey @Nicolas -

Just talked to the team, this is just behind a Feature Flag as it is just being rolled out now. Shoot an email to your tulip commercial team or and they can turn on the connectorsAreSeparatedByWorkspace for you.



Is it part of r249 or r250 this featre flag? (part of LTS10 or not)

Hey @Nicolas -

This was introduced in r249, so it is available within LTS10 (being released very very soon)


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