copy multiple filtered records from one table to another

hello @RalfMueller, thanks for posting and welcome to the Tulip Community!! it would be great if you could introduce yourself at: Welcome to the Community, let's meet!!

regarding your question, have you taken a look at some of the Checklist apps on the Library?? you can take a look at them here: Checklist Apps.

but if you’d like to build exactly as you’ve described, I’ve build a quick demo here below.

  1. create 2 Tables for the checklists (1 for the templates and 1 for the journal):

  2. create an App with 2 Record Placeholders to the Tables:
  3. (from here, you can customize based on the user interface you’d like. this is one example of building it) display an Interactive Table of the templates, and select the Linked Placeholder:
  4. create a Table Record for the journal Table when the user enters the 2nd step:
  5. as the user enters the data and clicks Complete, the data is stored in the Table (here, notice the Datasource and Column):

here’s what the App will look like from the Player:

and as the users select the checklist they’d like to complete, the information will transfer from the templates Table and create a new Record in the journal.

is this what you’d like to build?? let us know!! and if you’d like to join Office Hours, here is the sign up links: Tulip Office Hours (North America) | Tulip. and again, welcome to the Tulip community!!