We’re looking to provide a deep link on iOS. Many third-party apps support deep linking, which iOS is able to pass through so that one app can launch another, and also specify where in the app to link to.
For example, Google Drive supports the googledrive:// scheme and an example deep link would be googledrive://https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/XXXX
Tulip is launching all links in its embedded browser view. This does not allow deep links to work. When tested, Tulip would append an extra http:// at the beginning
How can we launch (deep) links on iOS without Tulip’s embedded browser?
Would using an app transition trigger work instead of the Player link in your apps for what you are looking to achieve?
The Player link was intended to allow users to share and reference apps outside of Tulip Apps, so the app transition trigger is a better option here if you want to call apps from within Tulip.
Hi @Beth I don’t think that resolves our issue. How would I launch the deep link thru a transition trigger?
Currently we use the “open link” action to open a static value
Do you mind sharing a bit more about that your end goal is here and how you want to use the deep linking in your Tulip apps (for example, is the goal to allow the app end user to transition to another app based on a certain action like logging a quality defect?)
I am thinking there may be a trigger / app transition approach that could work, but want to make sure I understand fully!
Hi @Beth, I would like the Tulip app user to be able to transition out of the Tulip app and into google slides. The requirement is to not open the slides within the tulip web browser, but in the Google Slides application itself (on iOS).