Detector configuration and results - control and make available in app?

We’ve been testing Vison with some apps to capture and scan codes, works well but feel there could be some improvements:

  1. The ability to control the threshold from the app rather than the detector page - this means you could have one app using one detector in a more fluid way (different steps with different colour change thresholds for example). Ideally you would also modify the base colour in this way too - so the app is the control mechanism.

  2. Having the ability to pass the value from a colour change detector to the app - so essentially the % of colour change that has been identified. Be really useful to hold against your record for traceability

These would give Vision so much more potential & flexibility - especially the first request.


Hi Mark, Thanks for the helpful suggestions around vision! Tagging @AdamWarmington to chime in here and see his thoughts and any developments that may be in the works

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Hi @MarkStuttard,

Thanks for this feedback. I gonna try my best to address both of your points.

  1. You are absolutely correct that is very difficult to reuse detectors (and camera configurations) across multiple apps or stations. This is something we’re looking at addressing in the future.

  2. This is a great suggestion! In most other places in app editor, you can configure colors as variables and then reuse those values as needed. We are planning some refreshes to detectors in the future. Please watch our release announcements for updates as we roll them out.

Thanks again for this insightful feedback.



Thanks @AdamWarmington & @Beth for feedback on this - we’re continuing to work through some Vision proof of concepts, so I’ll let you know of other findings.

It’s great functionality, certainly from the pharma world there is a heap of potential here, so keep up the good work!