Export data and pictures in a filesystem

Hi all,
after a phone call i have to clear the following question:
Tulip stores all data in one or more databases, also pictures. Can i export this data in a specific folder on a given file server?
Our apps required a lot of pictures for quality information. These are stored in a tulip table (it works fine) and i can send it per Mail. But can i save them also in the project folder on a server (for backup, later documentation etc.)?


hello @ChrisF!! yes, this can be done by modifying the Download location for Chrome.

once this is done, you can open the Table you would like to Download and click the Export icon:

and click Export:

this will store the data in the Table on the Downloads folder you selected in Chrome.

for more information on how modify the downloads folder, you can search Change download location on the following support page: https://support.google.com/chrome/answer/95759 :link:.

does this answer your question??


partly answered :wink:

I get a CSV file and have to convert the picture link in a picture. But the exported link is not valid:


The specified resource does not exist. RequestId:3ba47925-b01e-0064-0b55-be5977000000 Time:2020-11-19T09:19:59.9857026Z

the filename is: https://dmgtulip.blob.core.windows.net/interlit/images%2Fdv9iJ45uSntADH89o_TMF300_600_png


hello @ChrisF, OK thanks for reporting this issue.

I have created a ticket for our engineering team to address the root cause of this and we’ll keep you updated once it’s resolved.

Hey Chris,

Engineering has identified the issue you were running into with accessing that link, and after the release of r198 at the end of the month, you should be able to access those links from the CSV :+1:

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hello @ChrisF, just wanted to follow up on this and let you know that this fixed and you can now open images directly in your browser.

let us know if you have any questions!!