Export the data in the external table

I want to export the data in the table to Excal. What should be done? No such information is available at present

Hey @Jiayu -

This isn’t yet possible from an app, but there is a feature request being worked on to enable this functionality. For the time being, the only place to export table data to a CSV is from the Tables page.


@Pete_Hartnett So if my table data source comes from an external connector, it can’t be exported to CSV?

Hey @Jiayu -

There are a few approaches to doing that-

  1. Write the connector data to a table with triggers, then export from the table UI (easiest, but also not an amazing user experience)
  2. Develop a Custom Widget (Custom Widgets Overview) to achieve this functionality. It’ll require a bit more to get working, but almost anything is possible with custom widgets. Check out this group for some more details:
    Custom Widgets - Tulip Community


There’s an open feature request for table export here. The product team keeps track of upvotes and activity and will post updates there as new features are released.