How to find SQL connector information on my own PC


I would like to first connect to my own microsoft express sql server on my PC to get data and build some sample dashboard.
Is that possible?
I was wondering how can I find these information by myself?
There is no IT team that can support me right now.

Thank you!

hello @dorothy, that’s great to hear you’d like to connect to a SQL Database.

that should certainly be possible, do you access the database from anywhere else such as a DB client?? if so, you likely can see the Server address and credentials there.

I am not sure, I only use Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio. But I can only find the server name on it.

ah OK, you will need the following information to connect to to a DB:

  • Type (PostgresSQL, MySQL, etc.)
  • Server
  • Port
  • Database
  • User
  • Password

let us know once you are able to collect this information and we can support with the connection!!

I think I find out all other info, but for database, what is that? the name of database? the example shows ‘templates’. I am not sure what it is.

hello @dorothy!! yes that’s correct, it’s the name of the Database to which you’d like to connect.