Keep custom widget from blocking click when hidden?

Is there a method that can be used to prevent a custom widget from blocking other app elements when it’s been hidden?

setting pointer-event: none; works within the widget itself, but since it’s displayed in an iframe, it still blocks elements behind it even when it’s hidden.

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Hey @richard.vaughn -

This isn’t currently possible but it is something we are thinking about.

The primary use case where this would be useful is with modal windows. When a user does something, turn on my modal, but when that’s not displayed, let them interact w the app behind.

To do this, one of the things we are looking at enabling some basic widget properties within triggers, so you could
Set Widget property > Custom Widget 1 > Visibility > Hidden which would make that widget click-through. This is closely related to the discussion about being able to control the focus on each element and eventually could enable things like changing input labels from triggers. or adjusting widget transparency from a trigger.

This isn’t work that is currently on the roadmap but has been identified as one of the critical gaps on the app editor that we are keeping a close eye on as we decide its priority.


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There were multiple posts like this one from 2022 and I would like to know if this feature is anywhere on the roadmap?
Thanks in advance,


Hi Kevin, I am a new PM at Tulip. Thanks for flagging this post - we’re actually reviewing Custom Widget improvement options in the next few months. Let me add this to the list to triage, and I’ll circle back if we think it’s easy to address!


Hello Olga,

This is a very good news!
In order to get the best features for the custom widgets, would it be possible to organize a workshop with the users interested in this enhancement?
I would be really looking forward to this event!

Kind Regards,

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Thank you Kevin,

We were thinking of hosting something like a community workshop on Custom Widgets in the Fall. Great idea.

In the meantime, would you be open for quick call to discuss any improvement ideas from your end, and your use cases? We can also reach out over email!

  • Olga
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Hello Olga,

Sure, a call would be great. Could you send me an invitation via dm, please?

Kind Regards,

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Hi Kevin,

Just wanted to let you know we took you up on your great idea to have a session/workshop with others from the Community who use custom widgets.

This is now on the calendar for November 19th at 11am ET! You can sign up here (we made this a special session of our normal office hours, “Product Office Hours”)

Thanks for the great idea and we look forward to chatting more with you and others in the Community about our plans for custom widgets and your feedback then!


Has there been any updates regarding this?

Hi @Beth,
do you mind giving an overview on the results from this workshop?

I’m really hoping for the “hidden” attribute (as you enabled “Enables state” for buttons).
But for all widgets!
Also “Enabled” should be available for all input widgets as well (not only buttons)… (why isn’t it? its only the same html attribute for most of them)… :slight_smile:

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