Layers in App Editor


As the OP mentioned in '19, a “photoshop-style” layer manager in the app editor UI would significantly improve UI development of apps within Tulip by reducing the time wasted constantly moving widgets to access those behind them, and the overhandling and risk of error when moving well-placed widgets back to their original positions. For our development efforts I think the most useful elements of a layer manager would include (in order of priority):

  1. In its most basic form, a list of all widgets present on a step, sorted by z-index descending. Widgets are selectable from this list (to access widget properties on the right sidebar) and can be given human-readable names. The list can be filtered by data-type (ex. callout, button, table, variable_formattable) to narrow the list down on busy steps. Master layout steps are hidden from the list by default, or the option exists to exclude them from the list.
  2. Widgets on this list can be moved up or down in z-index (vs. current ability to just set to max or min z-index with “forward” and “back” buttons).
  3. Widgets on this list can be locked and unlocked (As schexb mentioned) to prevent moving them when not intended, exactly as current master layout widgets behave.
  4. Widgets on this list can be shown or hidden, to allow work on ex. background elements that are obscured by foreground widgets without moving them and having to put them back.
  5. Widgets can be grouped into folders to help organize apps with large numbers of widgets. Folders can be named and manipulated by the user just as widgets outlined in items 2,3, and 4.
  6. Widget Hide/Show behavior as outlined in item 4 carries over to Tulip Player and can be manipulated by Tulip triggers (I realize this is more of its own feature request, but if the functionality described in items 1 and 4 existed, it would open the door for this ability).
