I am looking for a solution that can N/A a User Field or solution that provides a similar end result. I am working on a logbook app, and with our company’s SOPs, it is required to fill in all input areas on logbooks, which includes N/A-ing if the entry is not necessary (e.g. not all logged activity needs a verifier and so this field would be N/A in some instances). Please let me know if you have experienced this issue and what you have done to overcome it!
I was originally looking to N/A table record user fields, but I would be interested to learn if there is an option for completion data user fields to be N/A as well. Thanks
One solution for app variables would be to make the default value for those variables “n/a” - this would only be for text fields though. You would probably want to logically disallow some fields from being left blank or n/a, and require a minimum of input for the log record to be considered complete.
Could you share some screenshots of what you are trying to n/a?
Good suggestions! I’m trying to find the best way to keep the entry field as a User field, and I have the app set up so that these fields are required before submitting. I have a screenshot attached where the Verified Datetime and Verified by fields are the fields I am wanting to N/A. One idea I considered was to create a user that is named “N/A” and will only be used as such, but I need to check if this aligns with GMP.
Hi @charly
In GxP only mandatory fields are required to be filled in and in case they have no value then you would have N/A. The same can but doesn’t have to apply to the optional fields.
Also a N/A user in a controlled GxP production environment would not be a good idea. I just thought that it can bring another perspective to your solution.
Another idea could be to have a parallel text field that could include the rationale for the user field being blank, when it is blank. Could be different text or N/A when user field is properly populated.