Signature Widget Comments Fields

Hi Tulip Community, I need to know if is possible to prepopulate the field with some commentary to prevent is save with not data


Hi @AdolfoZamora - Welcome to Tulip Community! :tada:

I want to better understand your question - are you wanting to make sure this comment box is filled in the by the signer every time?

Or are you looking to verify data is correct/entered before the signing user signs off?

Let us know how we can help!

Hi @Beth, Im looking for a way to write automatic a NA (not applicable) if the user left in blank the space, because in some case we do this mandatory and do not allow to continue if we require a comment, but in some case is not mandatory but on the site if the user do not have a comment the just write NA to the field

Hi @AdolfoZamora -

I am double checking if this is possible to “pre-populate” the comment box, but my hunch is that it is not possible.

Can I ask more about why you would have the comment marked as required in the signature widget configuration if it is not actually required? I can understand wanting to error-proof always having a comment on the signature, but if you are pre-populating the comment with “N/A,” there could be a scenario where the operator should be writing a comment but forgets and leaves “N/A”, then this would also be a problem, correct?

Just wanting to better understand the use case here!

yes you are correct, we opt for if optional could left in blank


I have same question as Adolfo. Thanks for raising this.

When operators are signing off we have cases where the comment is mandatory.
I am on LTS10.6 soon moving to LTS12. We can solve this currently by loading a “Form” step with a comment text field in either of two variations. One where the comment is marked as “required field” and another where the comment field is optional.

When changing design to use the Signature widget I believe the design approach is to present a comment field prior to allowing Signing to occur - if mandatory - to capture the remarks needed. That leaves me with what to do with the optional comment field on the signature pop up because I cant influence if the field should be shown. My plan is to just append whatever they write to the comment they provided in the field prior to opening the signature.

What do others do in these cases? Make a step with signature widget comment mandatory and another where it is not marked mandatory?


Is there any chance to either disable the signature comment, or make it expression/variable driven if the comment is optional or mandatory?

Hi @ASharp-J, there isn’t a way to disable the signature comment today, but this is a good suggestion for the future. Reading through this thread is helpful to understand why and when you’d prefer the comment to be disabled and not shown to the user.

@AdolfoZamora, would disabling the comment field on the e-signature widget also solve what you are trying to achieve? Or do you still need the comment field, but need to report “N/A” in the data?

Hi Shep,

I have tried to explain below, but if you prefer a short meeting I can explain it better and maybe learn from your implementation experience.

  1. In a lot of cases we have to ensure that we get a comment. If e.g. the user is making a late entry we need to capture an explanation. We are on LTS10.6 and use forms while waiting for the signature widget to become functional complete. Using forms we have made multiple signature form steps, where the only difference is a) what they are signing for, & b) if the form step includes a comment field as optional/mandatory. We are of cause working on a path to remove form steps for all apps after next major upgrade. I think our best approach is to capture the required explanation prior to opening the signature. But that in turn leads to the debate on what to do with what they write in signature widget comment because we can no longer control if it is presented or not. Do we append to the already captured explanation or store elsewhere?
  2. The related issue might not apply to your scope of responsibility but whenever users are writing or capturing data manually we need to store somewhere where it is easily retrievable and “appendable”/“correctable”. In a lot of cases it sadly leads to making triggers to move data into a table. This is mainly driven by the basic challenge that completions and signatures are stored in a manner that do not allow for corrections. I dont know about your projects, but whenever I present using just completions and showing the “record history widget” the first question I get is “how do I correct if I made a mistake or forgot something?”.

Hope it makes a bit of sense.

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Hi @ASharp-J, thanks for your detailed explanation on your use cases — makes complete sense to me.

Would you be interested in chatting briefly? I’d like to learn more about your general use of forms and data correction. Maybe there’s also a way I can help here in the short-term.

If you are, here’s a link to my calendar to find a convenient time for you.

Thanks again for your post and follow-up!

Hi @Beth

I’m working on a use case where I need to capture the comment from the Signature widget and save it into a Tulip table column. Is it possible to obtain this comment and save it on a variable or something similar?

I was not able to find any resource tackling my question.

Thank you in advance.

Hi @DaniloArtavia -

Welcome to Tulip Community!

Yes, this is possible - You can use a trigger action (either on your eSignature widget itself or with a button) to save the comment to a table. See my example screenshot below:

Does this accomplish what you were looking for?

Thank you for your quick response @Beth ,

I do not have this Signature Info option on the data dropdown, see attached image


I´m working on version LTS 11.3, is there another way to accomplish it?

Hi @DaniloArtavia -

There is a sort of workaround you can do, but no other direct way to accomplish this on older versions prior to r274 & LTS 12.

You could create a separate text input somewhere on the step and direct operators to use that instead of the comment in the eSig widget modal, and then you can store that comment as a variable / to a table. But the watch out here is that can be confusing because then there are two comment fields (the one you created int he app, plus the one natively in the eSig widget).

Hi @Beth,

Thank you for your reply. I will take into consideration your workaround, but you have already provided what I needed.

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@AdolfoZamora and @ASharp-J - this is now possible in Release 298 - December 2024 (and will be in LTS 14). Thanks for the suggestion here :slight_smile: