Exciting news - Release 298 is here!
The Tulip team has rolled out some fresh updates across multiple features, along with some bug fixes. Check out the release notes and dive into what’s new.
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Exciting news - Release 298 is here!
The Tulip team has rolled out some fresh updates across multiple features, along with some bug fixes. Check out the release notes and dive into what’s new.
Share your thoughts and questions below
Can someone clarify this item a bit?
Does this mean that the operator is not prompted, but the comment function is still available (e.g., user must expand a header to see the box) or that the comment function is completely inaccessible when the comments are hidden?
Glad to see Descriptions in here, looking forward to when it makes its way to the LTS releases.
Hey @David2 -
This one actually comes from this discussion / community request here Signature Widget Comments Fields (Thanks @AdolfoZamora & @ASharp-J for the suggestion!)
If you select the new “hidden” option for the comment, the comment box won’t be seen at all by the operator.
In addition to the eSignature improvement mentioned above, this release is packed with great stuff from Tulip Community!
This bug caught by @ChrisF and @thorsten.langner R295: widget updates? has been resolved
This question from @jay.shah Unable to see where I used user group has also been resolved
@OliverGnepper’s observation here Release 295 - November 2024 - #3 by OliverGnepper has been resolved
Last but definitely not least…
…have all been addressed in this release!!
This is a long standing and very popular request that the Tulip Team is excited to deliver for you all. We understand this may not cover every piece of functionality that you are looking for in triggers and automations, but as @OlgaStroilova mentioned in this post longer-term improvements are also being scoped and planned. We hope this quick win makes this easier for you in the interim
Thank you @ulisesgomez, @TechnicallyKatie, @sebme, @jmurray, @schexb, @scott.hodges @ChrisF, @shaysc, @kellen.linse, @kkl all for voicing this suggestion. Let us know what you think!
See it in action below:
comments in triggers is going to make a lot of people’s lives a lot easier, love to see it out in the world. Thanks to everyone who requested it, requested it again, and to the team that shipped it!
For those interested in this feature, I’ll share a quick video I made of trigger descriptions that goes into more detail:
Will be great to add a « IA » button that make a description proposal based on actual trigger
I like how you think @youri.regnaud
We did some prototyping on this earlier this year and the results were promising. No promises yet, but I’ll see what I can do to make this one happen!