Trigger context comments

Hello, I would like to make a product suggestion.

Is it possible to add comments to triggers and/or trigger groups (within a button/widget). This would allow a user to add context to the purpose/functionality of the triggers from a quick glance. This would facilitate knowledge transfer when one app builder picks up another app builders app - or allow the original app builder to quickly recall the purpose of trigger(s).

Hi Kevin!

We actually already have an open product suggestion for this here: Quality of life: Comments in triggers - Go ahead and comment and/or vote on that thread so we can keep the crowd-sourcing all in one place :slight_smile:

I’ll link these and close this suggestion for now. I’ll also check with our product team if we have any updates we can share here too

@kkl following up here to let you know that commenting within triggers is now possible with Release 298 - December 2024 :tada: