Add Comment/Note action to triggers

Hi there,
for a better documentation of the trigger actions I like to see a “Comment/Note” action. No output only for documentations.

There is an old PS from 2020, but without any result
PS from 2020
Hoping this can come soon

Regards Chris

Hi Chris,

Thanks again for the product suggestion. We’re still thinking through the best way to incorporate commenting into triggers.



where’s the problem or how can we help?

Still thinking for 4 years without a result is not very productive :wink: So let us help to fasten the decision

Regards Chris

Hi @ChrisF,

I hear and understand your frustration about not implementing this specific request after four years.

We are planning to redesign the app trigger logic editor and address comments in community.



Just to keep things together (see also the last post, with a list of other threads around this topic):
Quality of life: Comments in triggers - Product Suggestions - Tulip Community

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@ChrisF great news, comments / notes in triggers are now possible with Release 298 - December 2024 :tada: