Password input for signature widget

I’d like to have the option of including a required field for password input on the signature widget alongside the badgeID input field.

My use case for this feature is for apps that have multiple signatures required from different user groups in a Tulip instance where SAML enterprise authentication is not used. We want the extra layer of authentication on the signature with the password as the badge IDs we want to use for users are somewhat public within the company and used on other equipment with a password for other systems.

Hi Andrey, thanks for sharing this. I’d like to make sure I fully understand.

Which role in Tulip would be signing these e-signatures? Would it be an operator? Currently, operators cannot have passwords outside of SAML, so we would need to add that first.

Hey Kevin,

Yes, it would be operator level access to only use the Tulip player so they would need password tied to the accounts just like the higher level roles.

Understood. And do these signatures need to comply with 21 CFR Part 11?

Yes, and correct me if I’m wrong, but compliance with all aspects of 21 CFR part 11 other than password composition requirements (length, special characters, etc.) and 90 day password expiry could be met through instance settings app design. We currently have the signature purpose, time/date, and username from signatures being written to a table record for eLogbook apps in addition to what’s being recorded in the completion data for the app.