OpenBOM connector and filtering Query results

Hi. I am trying to connect Tulip and OpenBOM via API. I need help with filtering out the specific items from specific columns.

For example:
I have info from different columns imported to the Tulip connector. Here is the picture:


I also have different cells (with this request I have four in total) from OpenBOM:


Let’s say I need to filter my query according to Part number (in this example 1611.1900) and I need to receive Part name as my query result.

There should be two options to solve it:

  1. I filter it out as an API request (I am not sure that OpenBOM supports it because there isn’t any info about it in their API documentation)
  2. I will use API to get all the data from a certain catalog and use Tulip Connector outputs functions to filter it out.

Probably the second option is the way to go. I need help to make this dynamic. In my app, I need to use “Part number” as a variable and “Part name” (for example) as a query result that is used in the data collection.