we are currently working with stations to distribute our apps directly to the dmg machine or computer that is at the workplace.
We have observed, that while running the app on a station in Developer Mode it does not run the current development version but instead the recently published version. (that is currently configured in the station)
The app loads it data by the specified station, so it is needed to change the station while testing to look up the interface on our different machines.
To currently test the app, I need to start the app on a Test Station.
Only after that, I can test the current development version on the other stations.
Current behaivor
- starts app in dev mode with preselected station “Test Station 1”
- After the app is started with begin, I change to station to “DMC 340FD” and reload the first step
- Until the dev mode refreshes, I can test my app
Excepted behavior
- the app can be started in the station “DMC 340FD” and loads the current dev state instead of the last published version
At the moment, we are unsure if this is a planned behavoir or an error.