Publish new version of app - version number

Until previous version of Tulip (r.284), when I published new version, I could see version number in publish button in the same screen and it was very useful, now the version number appears only on next screen, can you put it back or too on the first screen ?
Thank you,
Amit Berku

Hi Amit, want to make sure we understand the request fully:

When I go to publish an app (I am on r285 for reference), this is what I see:

Is it on image 1 & 2 where you wish to see the new publish version?

Hi @Beth

on every single screenshot you made, I can see the Version number.

I guess the issue is, when you are inside of the editor, the PublishButton on the top right corner could contain the next version:
Publish [V2]

Hi @thorsten.langner ,

Thanks for the suggestion, it’s a good call out. Could you share some information on why you want to view the version number while writing the description of changes?


In last version you could see the version number in the confirm button (don’t remember name of it), I like to be precise on reason of publish new version, I’m writing everything there including in which version was what.
I can deal with the new change and see the version before publish, this suggestion is nice to have, not a must, if you could mention new version number somewhere in the first screen it could be great, if not, so not.

Thank you,

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the Version is on every single screenshot from Beth.
You find it on the very top, right next to the App Path & Title.

@ychan164 I didn’t mean while writing the description or so. I meant when you publish in the App editor directly. The Publish Button is on the top right corner. So you know you are in Development version, but how many versions there already are.

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Hi Amit,

Thanks for the clarification, that’s helpful context. We’ve filed the suggestion for our team to review.


If you push the publish button from the version list screen, yes, you can see the version in the back, but if you enter a step (no matter which one) and you push the button of publish in the top left side of screen, you don’t see version number, this is how I’m doing publish always.


@Amit okay this makes sense! This is what @thorsten.langner was saying too. I think we are all on the same page now :slight_smile:

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