Prior to the LTS11 upgrade, we were able to use the directional keys on the keyboard to move between steps. Now it brings us to the very last step and starts using the scrollbar. Is there a technical reason for this change or can this be implemented back?
Deleting a step also forces us back to the bottom of the app.
I recognize another issue, connected to this navigation.
When I select a widget in the step tree on the left side, and then use the directional keys, it jumps through the steps. (Down and up again will not select the same widget, where you came from, but the whole step again. That makes sense, however, I expected highlighting the widgets to disable the step navigation.)
I expected to move the selected widget around.
To achieve this you have to klick into the widget settings area…
For me the issue is, that when I select a widget in the steps sidebar (left) and then use my direction keys, it will not move the widget, but navigate in the steps.
I expect that behavior, when I select a step, but not when selecting widgets!