Release 191- August 2020

These are the product updates in release 191.

Release 191 goes live to all “production” customers on 8/31/2020.

Filter dynamic analyses in apps by machine, station or user

We now have support for machines, stations, users and arrays of these data types within variables and input widgets.

Use them to create better machine monitoring dashboards as well as more dynamic input widgets

Create an IP Allowlist for Tulip + Player

Limit usage of Tulip based on IP addresses or CIDR blocks. Only users with “Accounbt Owner” role can modify the allowlist.

Other Features

About inputs widgets, it would be nice to also support array of objects from HTTP function outputs. For example by selected a array of objects and after field in object. It will prevent to create differente function only to fullfield dynamic widgets.

Hey Youri, great idea. We will discuss this internally and see if it can be easily added to the existing widget.