Rolling out starting today: Better metadata on expected performance of data analytics forecasts, several significant performance upgrades, new button types, improvements to barcode scanner and vision.
There are also improvements to performance and the user experience across different hardware devices and operating systems. So grab yourself a Surface or the official iOS app and get Tulip-ing!
- Add forecast diagnostics to overlay expected forecast performance on charts
Stations, Devices, and Machines
- Improvements to device registration links across different hardware and OS configurations
- Load time improved for customers with many machines by ensuring the player does not subscribe to an excessive amount of data
App Editor
- Added “Remove” and “Home” as options for button types
- Autofocus on comment field when signature modal opens
Vision / Machine Learning
Improvements to barcode scanner widget stability across hardware devices and configurations
Fix barcode widget camera view overflowing the widget
Fixes, Bugs, and Performance Improvements
- Tweak query behavior when typing into text input fields to reduce load and improve response time