Release 276 - April 2024

My favorite day! This one isn’t an April Fool’s joke :laughing:

As usual, there are some great Community requests in this release :tada:

  1. @sebme and @doneil had a great suggestion (Please explain why you have decided to make error and information popups' automatic disappearance mandatory) around being able to specify the length error messages persist on pop-up messages to ensure app users have enough time to read messages. This is now possible in Player “toast” settings with this release!

  2. @jjj made the helpful on the suggestion Release 274 - March 2024 - #4 by jjj to add “Collapse all sections”/“Expand all sections” button at the top of the widget context pane and this is also now implemented!

  3. A bug where Tulip player is getting stuck at loading screen reported by @sandeep.ingale and @Nattika has been fixed in this release as well :slight_smile:

Thanks again all for the suggestions and let us know if you have any additional feedback or things you are excited for in this release in the comments below!