Release 276 - April 2024

Hello everyone

Release 276 is here and has many updates to the platform, including features like Automations and the App Editor. We’re also excited to bring you a popular request: the ability to customize toast message display time in the Player! There are also UI changes, performance improvements, and bug fixes reported by users.

View the full 276 Release Notes here.

Let us know your thoughts and questions below!



My favorite day! This one isn’t an April Fool’s joke :laughing:

As usual, there are some great Community requests in this release :tada:

  1. @sebme and @doneil had a great suggestion (Please explain why you have decided to make error and information popups' automatic disappearance mandatory) around being able to specify the length error messages persist on pop-up messages to ensure app users have enough time to read messages. This is now possible in Player “toast” settings with this release!

  2. @jjj made the helpful on the suggestion Release 274 - March 2024 - #4 by jjj to add “Collapse all sections”/“Expand all sections” button at the top of the widget context pane and this is also now implemented!

  3. A bug where Tulip player is getting stuck at loading screen reported by @sandeep.ingale and @Nattika has been fixed in this release as well :slight_smile:

Thanks again all for the suggestions and let us know if you have any additional feedback or things you are excited for in this release in the comments below!


I can’t tell you how excited I am for #1 :face_holding_back_tears:

  • Expression Editor now has a maximum height. This means that if the input overflows, the content will be scrollable instead.

Oh thank God.

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