Release 295 - November 2024

:tada: Exciting news - Release 295 is here!

The Tulip team has rolled out some fresh updates across multiple features, along with some bug fixes. Check out the release notes and dive into what’s new.

Share your thoughts and questions below :arrow_down: :slightly_smiling_face:

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2 great Community suggestions in this one!

  1. From @ta-aoki One Click Link for Launching Tulip Player + Specific App - #26 by ta-aoki - the feature to copy a URL to launch a specific app in the Tulip Player has been enhanced and is now a recognizable and clickable URL by browsers and other applications!

  2. From @lpascoe Tulip user table - #3 by lpascoe - User Groups are now able to be referenced within apps in single & multiselect widgets!

Thank you both for the great suggestions here and let us know if you have feedback on these enhancements :slight_smile:



We use higher-level apps that call up smaller subordinate apps for special functions in the background. These subordinate apps call themselves up again after completion. In this way, we guarantee that updates are installed quickly and that the subordinate app is in a clean state after the process has been completed. To make it easier for users to get started, only the higher-level apps are released for the stations.
Since the update to version 295, we have noticed the following undesirable behavior:
If the subordinate apps call themselves up, users are automatically redirected to the start of the parent app since the subordinate app is not released for the station.

Kind regards,

Hi @OliverGnepper,

We are investigating this behavior and will get back to you once we have a fix!



@OliverGnepper this behavior was fixed in Release 298 - December 2024! Let us know if you have any other questions here :slight_smile: