Requesting the ability to change operation order in table analysis

Often times I use a table analysis with expressions as the operation. In the normal flow of testing an app I’ll need to add new operations or change the order of them. Unfortunately, when adding a new operation, it’s automatically sent to the end of the list and there is no ability to drag it into a different order. The order of operations is the same order they appear within the table, so if I wanted to add part description column next to part, I’d need to delete 5 ops first, add part description, then rewrite the other operations.

It would be excellent to have the ability to move the columns ordering with the same UI experience when moving the order of selections in a drop-down menu, using click and drag.

Hi Zach and welcome to Tulip Community! :tulip:

This is a great suggestion and I can se how this would make building your analysis a lot faster. I will flag this to the product Team and see if they have any additional questions for you about this request.

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