Scanning the QR code will advance to the next step

Hi Everyone, please help…

How can I scan a QR code (QR code generated from Tulip Table data) and then proceed to the next step by loading the content of the QR code. Will more help me if the explanation with images. Thanks…

I have a background in UI/UX design, and now I am responsible for software development. I am new to the logical aspects of frontend and backend development.

Here is the app steps:

  1. Start; User can select from table data the work order they need or search by type in search box. User also able to scan QR Code from the printed document (every document have QR Code from Table data Work Order ID.

  2. Scan; When user use scanning feature, they will directly go to next step after the scanner successfully scan the QR Code.

  3. Work Order Detail; After scanning success, the app go to the next step and load all data from the Table (by Work Order ID)

Hey @sudirman ,

The Knowledge Base article on Optical Barcode Scanning should help.

It sounds like, for your case, you should also add triggers to load the work order record into a record placeholder and goto the next step.

Let me know if you need more details on how to do those parts.