Search Station based on the last operator used

I know we can see the last operator using the specific Station (blue circle in the screenshot).
However, currently we cannot search the Station based on the last operator used (yellow circle in the screenshot).

Please could you let us find the Stations based on the name of the last operator using those Stations ?
We need that feature because we have many Stations/Interfaces, and our users occasionally asks for help about their Apps/Stations/Interfaces, but it takes time to find out which Station(s) they are actually talking about.

I am actually already using a script to find the Stations for those kind of trouble shooting, but I would like Tulip to have that implemented in the standard UI, so that other Station Supervisors can do the same thing without any scripts.

I know we can see the name of the Interface/Station in the Player, (top left part of the App selection screen) but it is often hidden in small screen devices like smart phones, and some users even face trouble like unexpected Interface de-assignment which make them unable to access that screen.

Hi @ta-aoki,

Thank you for the feedback about our search experience. I don’t have a good recommendation about how to find a station based on operator - I am curious how your scripts work to find those stations.

We will look to correct this going forward.



Just for the record, I can use Station API like this to search for the Stations with the user ID uD7hMd2Hpr2KiD6ZK (blue) using it.
I can put the id of the station to the last part of the URL to open that Station. (green)

async function getJson(url,username,password){
    try {
        const response=await fetch(url,{headers:{Authorization: "Basic " + btoa(`${username}:${password}`)}});
      throw new Error(`Response status: ${response.status}`);
    return await response.json();
    } catch (error) {
const username='PUT_YOUR_API_KEY_HERE';
const password='PUT_YOUR_SECRET_HERE';
const url ='https://PUT_YOUR_TULIP_SERVER_HERE/api/stations/v1/w/DEFAULT/stations'
async function getAllStations(url,username,password){
    json=await getJson(url,username,password);
        json=await getJson(np,username,password);
        items.push(... json.items); 
    if(json.count != items.length){
        throw new Error(`Wrong count : ${json.count} , ${items.length}`);
    return items;
stations=await getAllStations(url,username,password);
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Maybe this script is not perfect.

The result might have missing or duplicated Station if someone adds/removes stations while the script is fetching next pages.

I also think it is not user friendly for most of the Station supervisors.
Therefore, I request this Product Suggestion.


In addition to searching for specific people under “Shopfloor”, it would also be helpful if such information could be found in the user settings.

This would help especially larger companies to have a good overview of what is happening and make it much easier to search for information.

Kind regards

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Hello Paul, that is definitely also a valuable way to search through the data. This would give all customers a simpler view into “what is happening in production right now?”

As a heads up, in the next month or so, we will be launching a downloadable log of all Tulip and Player logins in one stream. So, although this will not answer the question of, “what is this one user doing in the Player right now?” You will at least be able to see a log of who has logged into the Player today/this week/this month.

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Hi @kevin.kononenko

a while ago tulip launched the new design for the shopfloor-page. This was presented as a first step to achieve a better overview over the stations and overview of relationships between stations, interfaces, apps and users.
I understood there should follow a searchability for stations by assigned apps, hardware, users…
Can you tell something about this topic?

I often struggle finding a Station by user (as ta-aoki) but also by assigned app.
I sometimes have to switch app assignments and therefor need to see what stations are assigned to a specific app.

I would prefer to have this as a filter on the stations page over any api or so.

The better performance seems to be there and the interface page is a huge upgrade as well. thanks for that :slight_smile:

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Hi @thorsten.langner,

Thank you for your comments around filtering - it’s something that we will look towards in the future.

For shorter-term needs, I would recommend you use the Stations API to find what you need.

The Stations endpoint, will allow you to get the operatorId as well as the current app execution state. The stations/app-assignments endpoint would allow you to get the app assignments.

We don’t currently have a way to get assigned hardware but a great call out there.

Let me know if you have any additional questions.



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