Selection of multiple rows in interactive table

how to select multiple rows in a interactive table?

hello @sagar007, this is not currently possible via the Interactive Table. would the MultiSelect Input Widget also work for you?? if so, you can use this system to populate Records from a Table in the dropdown: How can I load unique field(table) values into dropdown list - #2 by gio.

if not, could you describe your use case so we can suggest alternatives?? thanks!!

Hello @gio,
For my case, i have an interactive table with a lot of Work order and my customer want to be able to select different WO from this interactive table (for example 5 or 6 or more) and by pressing a button to be able to allot these WO and to make a single batch with all these WO.
Do you have an idea on how i can do that?

Hey @FahdERM -

The simplest way to do this is with a trigger on the interactive table.

In this case, the way I am achieving this is with a trigger on my interactive table:

When the user selects a record in the table, it is automatically loaded into my placeholder, then this trigger runs, updating its batch value to the batch variable in our app.

Does this make some sense? Does this do what you need?

Hi @Pete_Hartnett,
Thank you for this answer. This gave me an other idea for an other problem. But, what i want to do is :
imagine that i have many WO that uses same production process or material, i want to be able to select all these WO,
clic on a button that allot all these WO and so every time i am going to validate an operation or select this batch will affect all these WO without selecting them one by one.
I don’t know if you understand what i want to do or not?
thanks for your help,

Hey @FahdERM -

Have you checked out Tulip Library Plugins? This plugin loops through orders to achieve exactly what you are talking about.

If you add it to your instance, it comes with an example app where we are doing just this, looping through orders and bulk changing their status.


Hope this helps,

Pete…is this available on the standard plan?

Hi @Nolsie,

Tulip Plugins are available for all customers on release r230 and later! You will need to be an Account Owner to create or modify new widgets though.


I don’t have anything in the menu bar called widgets

Sorted…all good!
I needed to install the widget first.


Hey @Nolsie -

I threw together a quick demo of how this could work-

I would share this widget directly here, but this widget is far from perfect, it lacks stuff like the ability to hide specific columns, reorder columns, and more.

Hope this helps spark your imagination on what is possible-

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