Simple Multi Select Table

From here

Basically, riffing of Tim Dietrich Tulip: DataTable Custom Widget

Let’s build some test data

CREATE TABLE public.vehicles (	vehicle_id serial4 NOT NULL,	make varchar(50) NULL,	model varchar(50) NULL,	"year" int4 NULL,	color varchar(30) NULL,	registration_number varchar(20) NULL,	owner_id int4 NULL,	is_active bool DEFAULT true NULL,	CONSTRAINT vehicles_pkey PRIMARY KEY (vehicle_id),	CONSTRAINT vehicles_registration_number_key UNIQUE (registration_number));INSERT INTO vehicles (make, model, year, color, registration_number, owner_id) VALUES('Toyota', 'Camry', 2022, 'Silver', 'ABC123', 1),('Honda', 'Civic', 2020, 'Black', 'XYZ789', 2),('Ford', 'Focus', 2018, 'Blue', 'FGH456', 3),('Tesla', 'Model 3', 2021, 'White', 'TES321', 4),('Chevrolet', 'Impala', 2019, 'Red', 'CHE123', 5),('BMW', '3 Series', 2022, 'Black', 'BMW456', 6),('Audi', 'A4', 2020, 'Grey', 'AUD789', 7),('Subaru', 'Outback', 2021, 'Green', 'SUB321', 8),('Nissan', 'Altima', 2019, 'Blue', 'NIS123', 9),('Kia', 'Sorento', 2018, 'White', 'KIA456', 10);In order to use the datatable widget we need to feed itjson. Luckily this is easy to do in postgres
SELECT json_agg(t)::text FROM (    SELECT vehicle_id, make, model, year, color, registration_number, owner_id    FROM vehicles) t;

Let’s make a table to copy to

CREATE TABLE public.vehicles_copy (	vehicle_id int4 NOT NULL,	make varchar(50) NULL,	model varchar(50) NULL,	"year" int4 NULL,	color varchar(30) NULL,	registration_number varchar(20) NULL,	owner_id int4 NULL,	CONSTRAINT vehicles_copy_pkey PRIMARY KEY (vehicle_id),	CONSTRAINT vehicles_copy_registration_number_key UNIQUE (registration_number));

Then a postgres function

Using TEXT input because Tulip doesn’t have a json data type (hmm maybe they should?)

CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION copy_vehicle_data(text_input TEXT)RETURNS VOID AS $DECLARE    json_input JSONB;    vehicle_ids INT[];BEGIN    -- Convert text input to JSONB    json_input := text_input::JSONB;    -- Extract vehicle IDs to be updated and copied    vehicle_ids := ARRAY(SELECT (value->>'vehicle_id')::int                         FROM jsonb_array_elements(json_input));    -- Insert into vehicles_copy by selecting from vehicles where vehicle_id matches the JSON input    INSERT INTO public.vehicles_copy (vehicle_id, make, model, "year", color, registration_number, owner_id)    SELECT v.vehicle_id, v.make, v.model, v."year", v.color, v.registration_number, v.owner_id    FROM public.vehicles v    WHERE v.vehicle_id = ANY(vehicle_ids)    ON CONFLICT (vehicle_id) DO NOTHING;    -- Update is_active in the source table    UPDATE public.vehicles    SET is_active = false    WHERE vehicle_id = ANY(vehicle_ids);END;$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;

Just a little animation showing it in action

Thanks Aldo Utrera for the custom widget!


Thanks (as always) for sharing your Show & Tells Michael!

It looks like this could provide a nice workaround for this product suggestion Multi-Select Interactive Table from @nicolettenaya