Table records in a select option

just to be sure now your output should be different than “NULL” right ?

@pte yes,

I tried two different ways: one with a list of values also for the id and the other one without a list. But both don’t work during the running of the app.

The second one : record set as list of value and id as string only is the right one for your purpose. I never tried on an empty table, could you put some record in your table for example ? If still not working, could you name your variable result_array and not “result array”. It can help with programming :slight_smile:

@pte those are the names of my table

Also with result_array it didn’t work. There is still an error on the MAP_TO_TEXT trigger. Were you able to insert the object “record” in the Expression field?

In the expression editor you should be able to select MAP_TO_TEXT_LIST(variable.result_array.record,“id”) if the connector output is correct.
Below a screenshot of my connector output in variable :

@pte, it’s working ! thank you for your patient and help.
So the main problem at the end was that I used the type of an array instead of a variable to save the result in the “run connector function” trigger.