Translation - Arabic


I am creating a translation in the app editor. The original app language is English. I would like to add an Arabic translation. But, I don’t see “Arabic” in the additional language dropdown.

Is Arabic available and I am just missing it?
If not, can it be added? If yes, how long would that take?


Hi Kevin! You aren’t missing anything here. Arabic is currently not one of our supported languages (yet). A full list of our supported languages can be seen here for reference: Languages Supported in Tulip

In terms of it it can be added and how long it will take, I will check with the product team on this, but we are trying to prioritize languages based on demand. If you can help us understand how many apps or sites or companies you are working with that would need Arabic as a supported language, that would be helpful!

I will change this to a product suggestion so other Community members can chime in and vote here as well :slight_smile:

Hi Beth, thank you for the reply. My opinion is that Arabic should be on the top of the priority list! It is the fifth most spoken language in the world :grinning:

This specific project is for manufacturing site that has nearly 1000 employees. The site has nearly 10 solutions live or in the build process and many more planned.

A post was split to a new topic: Custom Translation Layer