Tulip API to Query Apps & Step Names

Would be excellent if it were possible to query an app by app ID and get step names and other useful information inside the app.

Looks like it was in development a while back but not sure if it ever was implemented.

This is a great suggestion! Tagging some friends that I think will agree :slight_smile:

@ZAP @cpuzzo @QHullfish @pgabrys @jacob.brightmeyer @JesseAlbritton @Tim_Reblitz

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Hey Drew, what are you trying to accomplish with this API?

@kevin.kononenko, the goal is to create a “table of contents” for an app which can be updated as a tulip table easily without having to cycle through every step manually to generate the records.

This also unlocks a few other opportunities like knowing what the previous step name is, page numbers, etc.

I made an automated step-through which crested the records, but it’s clunky compared to what we could do with a simple API call.

This person was trying to do the same:

Got it. Last question- does this need to be an API, or would it also solve the problem if the Player simply allowed you to choose a step with a table of contents that appeared by default for the app?

Hi @kevin.kononenko ,

Thanks for continuing to follow up on this.

The ability to query Apps and their subsequent steps and group names directly would unlock more than just a table of contents, including wide-scale testing, app-level feature rollout verifications, improved navigation functionality, dynamic page numbering, and more. In addition, the table of contents we’re looking to create isn’t something that could just be a default option, as it’s dependent (in our case) upon group names and more.

Beta Technologies


Maybe a “safer” approach if an API isn’t ready to be public-facing would be the ability to access the App and Step ID’s directly in Tulip Expressions. This would allow us to create a table where the table record is AppID + " | " + StepID, and we would be guaranteed to know exactly which step, in which app, is being referenced. This would solve for issues with duplicate step names.

However, for the wide-scale testing and custom content we’re looking to create, an API would be extremely helpful.

Hi @kevin.kononenko, just wanted to follow up on this and see if there was any work ongoing to support this. The ability to access Step IDs or step names by an API or even in Expressions would unlock quite a bit of functionality on our end.