Tulip App Info script

Some of the Tulip apps that the team at Genie have been creating can get quite complex, with a lot of reuse of connector functions across apps as well as just a large amount of connector functions.

We wanted to find a way to find what connector functions were being used in what apps. We noticed that this data is contained in the app.json of an exported Tulip app, so Moni Priyanka created a quick script to pull this data and association out of the .json and put it into a postgres table for some easy analysis.


You will need a postgres database and then create two tables. Run this script

Create a DB user that can write to those tables

Create a tulip bot that has access to read app data (Requires the apps:read API key scope) read more here

Modify the .ini to match your environment from config.ini

[main]header_table_name = tulipappstructure.tulip_info_headerdetail_table_name = tulipappstructure.tulip_info_detailsurl_env = https://instance.tulip.co/api/v3/appGroupshost = rds.amazonaws.comdatabase = adatabasedb_user = adatabaseuserdb_password = adatabasepasswordapi_username = apikeyapi_password = xxxx

Download the python script from here

Find an app on your tulip instance and export it in the same folder as the tulip_app_info.py

Run the python script. (you might have to install some dependencies)

Assuming everything is setup OK you should have an entry in the header table

And the detail table should have lines for each function

It also includes a ‘direct link’ to where in the app the function is being used

Hope you find this script useful!