Tulip as a Risk Mitigation Tool

Cool article from Test Devices by SCHENK (Tulip Community’s own @doneil!) about how they have used Tulip as a risk mitigation tool to ensure quality in their spin testing, machining and balancing services.

  • Digitized Workflows: Tulip replaces traditional paper-based methods with electronic work instructions and process data collection.
  • Enhanced Data Security: Access to information is restricted to authorized personnel, improving data protection.
  • Error Reduction: Real-time insights on project status, required tools, and operator assignments help minimize errors and inaccuracies.
  • Operational Efficiency: Tulip enables scalable services while maintaining high standards of accuracy and security.

If you have any questions about how Test Devices is using Tulip for these use cases or want to pick his brain, I’m sure @doneil would be happy to answer here!