Tulip Camera issue : Always Opens Front camera on tablet

Hi Team,

I’m facing an issue with one of my Tulip app for line audits. When operators use Samsung tablets to capture images, the system consistently defaults to the front camera. This requires operators to manually switch to the back camera using the flip button within the image input.

Problem 1: How can we configure Tulip to automatically open the back camera whenever the image input is accessed?

Problem 2: In many cases, the flip camera button is not visible within the image input. Operators often need to restart the Tulip app to make the button appear.

Does anyone have a solution for these problems?

Hi @jay.shah, I wanted to check in on your problem #2. This has been identified as a bug and we’re working on a fix.

Still trying track down some info on your point #1, will share when I have more.

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