Tulip library tables - dummy data and naming

  1. Is it possible to have some dummy data loaded on tables that are included in the Tulip library. That way we can easily run the app and get an understanding of how it works.

  2. Most tables used in the library is prefixed with " * " which puts them on the top of the list of tables. It would be nice if they are prefixed with for example “Z_TulipLib_” so that they are on the bottom of the list. Its not nice for us to prefix our production tables.

Hey @Rakitha -

Great ideas across the board! I passed these recommendations to the library team. They have started including sample datasets with new apps they are building, and there is engineering work going on right now to make it so the tables automatically come with data.

I think the renaming idea is also a great one. Let me see what I can do to make that happen.


thank you Pete. you are the best :slight_smile: