Tulip – Reuse a camera step with camera widget to upload images to different image columns

Nothing too unique, but a method to DRY the camera widget a bit

From Tulip – Reuse a camera step with camera widget to upload images to different image columns. – Michael Ellerbeck

Say you had a table that had different columns for images, and wanted to use a variable column name to update that image. You could create a function like below

CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION public .update_inventory_image_by_column(

inventory_line_id int8,

image_column_name varchar ,

new_image_url varchar


LANGUAGE plpgsql

AS $ function $


query_text VARCHAR ;

rows_affected int ;


-- Validate the provided column name

IF image_column_name NOT IN ( 'front_image_url' , ' back_image_url ' , 'image_3' ) THEN

RAISE EXCEPTION 'Invalid column name' ;


-- Construct the dynamic query

query_text := FORMAT( 'UPDATE public.inventory_line SET %I = $2 WHERE id = $1' , image_column_name);

-- Execute the dynamic query

EXECUTE query_text USING inventory_line_id, new_image_url;

-- Check how many rows were affected


-- Check if any row was updated

IF rows_affected = 0 THEN

RAISE EXCEPTION 'Inventory line with id % not found.' , inventory_line_id;


-- Return the number of rows affected

RETURN rows_affected;


$ function $;

You can then create an invisible button over your image with a trigger to set the variable and then go to a step to capture the image. (Different variable for each invisible button of course)

Then on the camera widget you can have a dynamic Input message based on the variable being passed in

And then you can call from the camera step the function (make the function first of course) passing the column variable.

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@mellerbeck this is really neat! Thanks for sharing :slight_smile:
Do you have an application that uses the camera widget many times, and is that what drove you to want to make it more configurable?